Monday, 15 April 2019

JSE, Steinhoff, SNH

Steinhoff (ugh ugh ughish) (ggggghhhhhasasasashithithit) (now spit like a subhuman man sporting an unshaven face, smelling profusely and wearing a dirty sheet) (skersplotishittysmelligrmph). 
Well done!  Actually, you are not supposed to be actually learning how to be an actual trader. You are supposed to be happy about being taken for a fool (by others that teach nothing to assist you to become independent). If trading is just too much like hard work then they are purpose designed to take you and your money. Bye bye.

Now is also and still the hour, day, year to take advantage of either leveraged buying or selling. Just know that the Ostrich will have the final scrape but will definitely not give a press conference.

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